"Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon"

September 23, 2023

the weirdest thing about this line in Radiohead’s "Everything in its right place" is that it has an actual meaning. according to Thom Yorke, it’s about his depression during the O.K computer tour, and the sour face he would "wear" during it. actually, I think it’s a genuine British idiom. interesting. the second weirdest thing about this line is how it’s pretty good at applying at several things.

I’ve had a fair share of 'sour' experiences. especially as of recent. being unable to focus because of some dude who keeps blabbering about abortion, misgendering, and veterans not getting a month but LGBTQ+ does is definitely a fun experience :/. for now, I can stop caring about that, though.

something more personal to me: have you ever had a friend who you began drifting apart from? yeah, that’s pretty much what is happening to me as of right now.

honestly, over the summer, I’ve gotten less interested in certain things. I guess my friend is someone I’ve also given that treatment.

it’s clear that we just have topics we don’t agree on. I’ve been friends with them since about early 2019ish, and it seems (to me at least) that I can’t really continue talking with them. their sense of humour is loathable to me now.

I kind of feel bad. after all, they still regularly try to talk with me and I just listen for a second, then shoo them away as quick as I can. I’m not trying to be rude, but it can definitely seem it. they might not think very highly of me anymore for that. I get it. effectively trying to cut someone off just seems rude.

what’s funny is that.. he’s my only real life friend. I suck at talking to others, so you shouldn’t really expect me to make friends so easily :/.

I use the time I would’ve spent talking with to just listen to music now. it’s odd. I might as well be seen as the archetypical lonely person. if that is what I give off, oh well. it’s pretty much what I am, anyways. it’s alright, I don’t mind too much.

(there was a pretty melancholy paragraph here. I removed it for my own peace of mind. I still have it saved, however.)

I woke up sucking a lemon.

(p.s I’m suddenly feeling incredibly stuffy. might be sick. oof.)
